Membership Dues Notice
Dear FLA Members,
Your 2023 Membership Dues Statement will be mailed to you at the end of January. Badges will be available for pickup on certain dates; these dates will be communicated to you via email. You may also choose to have your badges mailed; if that is your choice, please add the $4.00 mailing fee to your dues total. There may be additional inserts in your dues statement mailing, so please open your statement as soon as you receive it to read any information that may be included. As per FLA By-Laws, annual dues are due to be paid by March 1.
Please take note of the following information:
Dues Amount – The rate for full dues is $765 (for 2024)
Senior Discount – As stated in our by-laws, members age 65 and older in good standing for the previous five years may apply to have their annual dues reduced to $449; and members age 80 and older in good standing for the previous fifteen years may apply to be exempt from the payment of annual dues (the dam assessment must still be paid). Age is determined as of March 1. To qualify for a senior discount for the first time, please supply proof of age with your completed membership form. To claim the discount, you must be the property owner or the property owner’s married spouse. Senior discounts are available only if you are living at your property; if you are renting your property, full dues must be paid.
Dues do not include Family Badges – Just a reminder that family badges are not included with your dues or with an Associate Membership; they must be purchased separately on Line 5 of your dues statement. If you are ordering guest badges, you must purchase at least one family badge. Please review the back of your dues statement for more information regarding badges.
Misuse of Badges – Family badges are not transferable under any circumstances. Guest badges may not be lent to other members or given to Fayson Lakes’ residents who are delinquent.
Associate Memberships – Adult members of the permanent household (excluding the property owner and owner’s married spouse) and children 23 years of age and over as of March 1, must become Associate Members of the Association and pay a $30 Associate Membership fee. This fee does not include a family badge; family badges must be purchased separately on Line 5 of your dues statement. Grown children who no longer live with you should not be considered Associate Members and should instead use guest badges.
Dam Assessment – Please remember to add the dam assessment of $245 into your Total Amount Due.
Family Badges – A family badge should be purchased on Line 5 for every family member permanently residing in your household who will be using Association privileges, with the exception of children under the age of 6 (as of March 1). Family badges should not be purchased for grown children who are no longer living at home.
Grandchild Badges – This year you may purchase your grandchild badges on Line 7 of your dues statement. Grandchildren must be accompanied by a member at all times.
Boat Registration – The cost for a set of boat decals is $10.00. If you are purchasing boat decals for your boat(s), please remember to include a short description of each boat. Pontoon boat owners will receive a separate registration form for their pontoon boat. (Refer also to BOAT DECALS below for additional information.)
Beach Patrol – You will see a box at the bottom of the form asking you to volunteer one evening of your summer for Beach Patrol. Having an active Beach Patrol is vital to minimizing vandalism and ensuring that non-members are not congregating on Association property after beach hours. Please consider signing up for Beach Patrol; you will be contacted in the summer to schedule your date.
Bank Checks – if you do on-line banking and have your bank send your dues payment for you, please remember to mail back or drop into the lock box your completed dues statement.
Phone and Email – At the bottom of your dues statement, there is space to provide your phone number(s) and e-mail address(es). We need your phone number to keep your membership record current, and your e-mail address is used to send you our quarterly Fayson Fax as well as messages relating to Association business, events, important dates, etc. Please remember to provide this information.
Badge Pickup versus Badge Mailing – This year badges may be picked up or mailed. Pickup dates will be communicated via email. Badge pickup is encouraged as USPS service has not been particularly reliable the past few years. If you would like your badges mailed, remember to include the $5.00 mailing fee with your payment.
click here for link to download form.
Line Numbers 1-9 below provide a preview of the information that appears on the front side of the Membership Dues Statement. Additional supporting information can be found on the back of the form:
1. FAMILY MEMBERS - You are asked to list the first and last names of every permanent member of your household who will be using Association facilities/property along with their dates of birth (family badges are purchased on Line 5). Please list only those family members who live in your house. Guest badges should be used for grown children who no longer live with you. If there are multiple surnames in the family, please indicate both first and last names. Children under 6 should be listed here but do not require a family badge. Resident family members 23 years of age or older who are not the property owner or their spouse should be listed here and are required to have an Associate Membership (see Line 3) and a family badge (see Line 5). If you are a member owner who is renting your property, you may choose to retain membership privileges for yourself OR pass them along to your tenant. If your tenant will be using the facilities, please provide names and birthdates for everyone living at your property (or have your tenant provide this information).
2. MEMBERSHIP DUES - You must specify a membership type from the following options:
A. Standard Membership: $765.00
B. Senior Citizen (65) Membership: $449.00
C. Senior Citizen (80) Membership: $0.00
Note that family badges are not included with your membership and must be purchased on Line 5.
3. ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP DUES - A family member 23 years of age or older (as of March 1) permanently residing at the property (excluding the property owner and owner’s married spouse) is required to be an Associate Member. The fee for an Associate Membership is $30.00. This fee does not include a family badge which must be purchased separately on Line 5.
4. ANNUAL DAM ASSESSMENT - The annual dam assessment of $245 must be paid by all Fayson property owners. Please remember to include the dam assessment in your total amount due.
5. FAMILY BADGES - $2.00 each; required for every family member listed on Line 1, except children under the age of 6 (age as of March 1). Family badges are not transferrable, and badges should not be purchased for family members or other persons who do not live with you.
6. GUEST BADGES - $20.00 each (14 punches/badge); a maximum of 6 may be purchased (including Grandchild badges).
7. GRANDCHILD BADGES - $25.00 each for grandchildren ages 6-18. Unlimited use; badges do not need to be punched. Grandchildren are considered guests and must be accompanied by a member; they may not sign in other guests. Guest grandchildren may participate in beach activities, excluding participation in the Fayson Lakes Swim Club.
8. GUEST FISHING BADGES - $25.00 each; a maximum of 3 may be purchased. This badge does not allow access to beach facilities. Guests must be accompanied by a member while fishing. As specified in our by-laws, “Persons fourteen years of age or older may not fish from the shore or docks” and “Senior Citizens and handicapped persons, who are Association members, may, for a nominal charge, apply to the Board of Trustees for a badge which will permit them to fish from the shoreline of Association properties”. Please contact the office if you require the special badge that allows you to fish from shore. All state fishing laws are in effect.
9. BOAT DECALS - All boats used in our lakes, whether stored on FLA property or not, must display current year boat decals, as this helps to identify non-member boats. Paddleboards that are kept at home and will not be using daytime storage at either Main Beach or Sabey’s Beach do not require boat decals. If you plan to leave your paddleboard unattended on either beach for any period of time during the course of a day, please purchase decals so that your board can be identified. There will be a daytime storage rack located at Main Beach, and hopefully another rack will be available at Sabey’s as well. Please remember to include a short description of each boat/board you are registering.
The cost for a set of decals is $10.00. Your decals will come to you marked with your boat registration number. In addition to affixing your decals to your boat, it is mandatory that every boat be clearly marked on both sides of the bow with its registration number. This can be done by stenciling, using adhesive letters and numbers, or by any other means, as long as the registration number is clearly visible. DO NOT RELY ON THE FLA BOAT DECALS TO IDENTIFY YOUR BOAT AS THEY DO FADE AND ARE SOMETIMES STOLEN OR TAMPERED WITH. Unmarked boats may be removed and discarded at the Board’s discretion. If you are storing a boat that you no longer use on FLA property, please remove it (Trustees are available to assist you if necessary).
NOTE: Do not register a pontoon boat on your dues statement form. A separate form is included for pontoon boat owners. Pontoon boat limits on all three lakes are at capacity. If you would like to be put on a waiting list, contact our Boats Trustee.
10. FAYSON LAKES AUTO DECALS - Available free of charge. If you would like an auto decal for your car, just make that request when
returning your dues statement; and your auto decal will be included with your badge mailing.
If you have any questions on how to fill out your membership dues form, please contact the office at (973) 838-2043 or send an email to faysonlakes.office@gmail.com.
The Fayson Lakes Improvement Fund
The Fayson Lakes Improvement Fund (FLIF) provides our members with the opportunity to make a voluntary contribution to help accelerate the delivery of some much-needed improvements to our facilities, including beaches, Clubhouse, sports courts, playgrounds, and more.
We are happy to announce that the 3 previous projects have been fully funded.
Sabeys deck renovation, Main Beach Deck Awning and 27 trees were planted!
Since our FILF was so successful, thanks to the generous donations of our community members, the Fayson Lakes Board of Trustees is excited to offer three more projects that will improve our community and give an option to donate to Capital Improvements.
Based on community interest and priorities, the Board of Trustees would like your assistance in funding the following projects:
New square dock at Main Beach (Budget)
Beautification and landscaping on Fayson Lakes Property (Budget)
Capital Improvements (Examples: basketball/volleyball equipment, drainage & walkways etc.)
If you would like to participate, please include your contribution with your dues or as a separate check. These funds will be deposited into the Fayson Lakes Improvement Fund with the goal of raising the funds.
Voluntary Contribution Form:
There is no question that we live in a one-of-a-kind community with a very active and generous membership, and we thank you for your support of this effort! We look forward to seeing these projects completed in our community!
The Board of Trustees, Fayson Lakes Association